Lumbung Lounge @Kulturbahnhof Kassel
Lumbung Lounge, Opening July 21st, at 6pm. Duration 22nd until 30th of July 2022 at Stellwerk Galerie, Kulturbahnhof, Kassel.
Curated by: @sitespecificideas and @guerillaarchitects
Through the installation Lumbung Lounge, the exhibition space of the Stellwerk Galerie in the Kulturbahnhof in Kassel will be brought back to its original state: a public waiting room. Via the installation work by Along the Lines and Guerilla Architects, the public is invited to engage with the topic of waiting as a collective moment.
Participating Artists:Arnis Aleinikovas, Raphael D. Aletsee, Kathrin Alischer, Isabella Silva Altemani, Julija Castellucci, Laure Catugier, Kai Fischer, Lisa Grosskopf, Karin Hochstatter, Luisa Hübner, Aleksandra Ianchenko, Geeske Janßen, Fumi Kato, Anna Kautenburger, Lise Kjaer, Dominik Lehmann, Daniela Lucato, Johanna Mangold, Emanuel Mathias, Daniel McKleinfeld, Lars Preisser, Klara Schnieber, Aleks Slota, St. & St., Jana Tost, Mateo Vargas, Sebastian Voigt, Gabriele Worgitzki, Hui Ye, Camilla Zeschick.
#movingchurch #coalmining #documentafifteen #structuralchange #videoart